Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 months

J turned 10 months last week so I thought I'd take a minute and write down some of the things she is doing these days.
- J loves to climb on anything and everything. She isn't walking yet, but she can successfully climb an entire staircase.
- J has five words that she uses with some regularity: agua, uva, mama, dada, and dog.
- J is more in love with her dogs every day. If Bean and Nibbler are near her then she is a happy baby. They try to get her to throw their ball but so far she just puts it in front of their faces. I think when she discovers how to throw those three will be inseparable.
- J has discovered cheese and she is in love- no surprise there- we are crazy about cheese in our family.
- J's favorite toys are her leapfrog maraca's from Uncle Mike and Aunt Monica, her alligator xylophone, and her pelican from Gma and Gpa- she sure does love to play.
- J is crawling, pulling up and 'cruising' from chair to chair. We feel certain she is going to walk soon- then again, we've thought she was 'about to start walkinh' since Thanksgiving. Time will tell I guess.
- J now sleeps through the night from 8pm- 7am. I think both of our lives have drastically improved since this started happening!

I know there are many more things that I'm leaving out but those are some of the ones that come to mind.

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