Monday, January 23, 2012


You be the judge. This was taken at 7pm after a 2 hr afternoon nap and a 1 hr morning nap following a weekend with the Brooke clan.

Friday, January 20, 2012

J and Abuelita

When J was first born she looked like a clone of Val- it is seriously freaky how like Val she looked- in both temperament and looks. As she has gotten older though, she has begun to exhibit more and more of my personality traits. Some still say she looks like Val but for the most part people think she looks a lot more like me. Here's a photo we found today of my mom (Abuelita) as a toddler. She is definitely older than J in this pic but I thought they looked pretty stinkin' similar! Since we all know I favor my mom more than my dad, *cough* *cough* understatement of the year *cough* *cough*, I figure it's safe to say that she is starting to look like me too and not just the Val clone that she was before- probably not a bad thing for our precious little girl. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 months

J turned 10 months last week so I thought I'd take a minute and write down some of the things she is doing these days.
- J loves to climb on anything and everything. She isn't walking yet, but she can successfully climb an entire staircase.
- J has five words that she uses with some regularity: agua, uva, mama, dada, and dog.
- J is more in love with her dogs every day. If Bean and Nibbler are near her then she is a happy baby. They try to get her to throw their ball but so far she just puts it in front of their faces. I think when she discovers how to throw those three will be inseparable.
- J has discovered cheese and she is in love- no surprise there- we are crazy about cheese in our family.
- J's favorite toys are her leapfrog maraca's from Uncle Mike and Aunt Monica, her alligator xylophone, and her pelican from Gma and Gpa- she sure does love to play.
- J is crawling, pulling up and 'cruising' from chair to chair. We feel certain she is going to walk soon- then again, we've thought she was 'about to start walkinh' since Thanksgiving. Time will tell I guess.
- J now sleeps through the night from 8pm- 7am. I think both of our lives have drastically improved since this started happening!

I know there are many more things that I'm leaving out but those are some of the ones that come to mind.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our little climber

J isn't walking yet, but she sure does love to crawl and move everywhere! He climbed into her little bouncer all on her own.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

While we are unpacking....

J is totally loving the new house! Unpacking definitely goes a lot slower with a 10 month old to entertain, but it's so much fun to watch her discover new things.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


J is kind of a fan of tortillas... Can you tell?

On another note here is the first photo in our new home in Laredo!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cousin photo shoot

Rebekah generously used her time and talent to take some amazing pics of Gabriela Catalina, Colton, and J- I so love these pics!


J had a blast hanging out in Bastrop for the tamalada and then we headed to Port A for the week. Tio Mateo and J enjoyed soaking up the sun together and J had her first beach experience- she loved the sand!


As a 9 month old, J pretty much finds ways to get into anything and everything- I have to be honest- it's probably the most entertaining stage she's gone through yet.