Wednesday, July 11, 2012


J is a big fan of her aguaaaaaaaa (it's an art form the way she draws that word out folks- seriously) and of anything belonging to me. Put those two together and you get this:

Watching Diego

J is a big fan of 'Go Diego, go!'- furthermore Val and I are big fans of the show. It allows her to wake up in the morning while drinking her milk, and it allows me to fix her hair, change her diaper, and get some clothes on her in a fairly relaxed setting. Also- we can actually stomach the show- unlike a lot of obnoxious kid shows out there ha!

Anyways, I digress- the point here is to show you how ridiculously cute and goofy little J is when she watches her show. I know, I know- you can barely handle it. ;)


I know there has been some blogger silence going on over here but J is ON. THE. MOVE. So much so, that it's hard for me to remember to capture her adorableness, even on my iPhone camera- shame on me- I know.

Still, today she has been happily and independently playing with bubbles.... Or at least the bubble wand. My little one is fiercely independent and wants to do everything on her own!